New BOOK Notice: Buen Camino! Tips from an American Pilgrim by Anne Born

One of the most enthusiast Caminoer we know and a wonderful poet, has just published her first book and the subject is how to prepare yourself for a Buen Camino. So if you are looking for that extra push to decide to embark on this once in a lifetime experience, we highly recommend you give it a read!

How to plan, where to stay, how to pack, what not to miss, and how to have a Buen Camino from the #littleoldladywalking!


Buen Camino! is not a guidebook, there are no maps, no long-winded legends or history – just lots of fun little stories and helpful tips from a veteran American pilgrim to anyone planning their first Camino by themselves or just waiting to go back without the help of an agency or staying in albergues.

Released in December 2017, the book is available for purchase on Amazon ($6.99 US) and will soon be available on Kindle, Nook (Barnes & Noble) and on Casa Ivar’s Camino Forum Store.

It is ideal for first-time pilgrims and anyone interested in traveling on The Way of Saint James by themselves without any outside help and is geared toward American Pilgrims as a companion to your standard guidebooks, like John Brierley, the Confraternity of St. James guidebooks, or Wise Pilgrim.

Anne Born is an award-winning, New York-based writer who has been writing stories and poetry since childhood.

Anne Born receiving her latest Compostela in the Pilgrim Office of Santiago
Anne Born receiving her latest Compostela in the Pilgrim Office of Santiago


Anne, or #littleoldladywalking as she calls herself, blogs on The Backpack Press and Tumbleweed Pilgrim and her writing focuses on family and life in a big city after growing up in a small one.

She is the author of “A Marshmallow on the Bus,” “Prayer Beads on the Train,” “Waiting on a Platform,” “Turnstiles,” and a contributor to the 2015 anthology, “Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox,” edited by Joanne Bamberger.

Anne’s essay on her cousin’s collection of Nancy Drew novels was published in the Silver Birch Press “Nancy Drew Anthology” (2016). She is also curator of the Late Orphan Project.

Her poetry has been featured in New York at Boundless Tales, Word Up Community Bookstore, and the Queens Council on the Arts. She has been a featured performer in several venues with Inspired Word NYC, at the New York Transit Museum, on Queens Public TV in “The World of Arts,” and with the International Women Artists’ Salon on Salon Radio.

Anne divides her time between New York and Michigan, and the Camino de Santiago in Spain.

Follow Anne Born and The Late Orphan Project at The Backpack Press, and on Twitter, Redbubble, Wattpad, and Instagram @nilesite.

To purchase her book to go

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Ultreya Tours

Ultreya Tours is a incoming Tour Operator specialized in organizing comprehensive and highly personalized walking tours for groups and solo travelers on the Camino de Santiago. Founded and based in Santiago de Compostela, we know the region of Galicia and the secrets of the Camino by heart. Let us introduce you to our vision of the Camino.