2017 Camino de Santiago statistics

Last year in 2017, a total of 301 036 pilgrims received their Compostela, the Certificate of Achievement of the Camino de Santiago, which is 30 000 more than during the last Holy Year in 2010.

This is the most pilgrims on the Way of Saint James in centuries and is a direct reflect on the increasing popularity of the Camino de Santiago.

the evolution of the number of Compostela given in Santiago since 1970

More people on the Camino and enjoying its benefits is a wonderful things, and in this article we would like to invite you to learn a bit more about those brave 300 000 pilgrims who accomplished their goal last year.

Summary of the updated official Camino de Santiago statistics given by the Pilgrim Office for 2017:

The individuals

    • A large majority of pilgrims are between 30 and 60 years old – 55%
    • 49% of all pilgrims were women
    • 28% who received the Compostela were under 30 and 17% were over 60
    • 44% of all pilgrims claim they completed the pilgrimage for solely religious reasons Continue reading 2017 Camino de Santiago statistics